5/13/11 -- Friday.

Stopped by Home Depot and got some paint for interior of boat (tan, like green boat and its gunwales (rich, dark glossy brown).

Put the final laminate on the keel at the bow:

Click image above for larger image.

Another coat of Kilz 2 primer, and brown paint on gunwales:

Click image above for larger image.

Click image above for larger image.

Drilled and countersunk holes (every 6") for aluminum keel strip.

Click image above for larger image.

When bending the strip to turn around the base of the stem, the aluminum strip broke at the bend. I added the broken piece to the stem, anyway -- thinking it will strengthen the keel when boat is handled on land.

Click image above for larger image.

Seems we're running out of space in the shop:

Click image above for larger (BIG! -- 598k) image.

Set up the green boat for a trip to local lake tomorrow, and made a video you can see on youtube:

Click image above for a video, made today, about the green boat.

5/14/11 -- Saturday

Click image above for a video, made today, cruising Creve Coeur Lake.

5/15/11 -- Sunday

Put in forawd seat supports and an aft seat support across forward face of transom.

Click image above for larger image.

(if there is one)


(Bevin's Skiff)