5/6, 7 and 8/11 -- Sr. Olympics Saturday.

Here are some photos taken Friday, Saturday and Sunday:

Did I report the boat weighed 61 pounds wuth one-half its bottom sheathed in 'glas? Or, that the length of the keel is 11'-2"?

Click image above for larger image.

Click image above for larger image.

Click image above for larger image.

Planing the gunnels (plywood edges) and 'glas edges is hard on plane blades, so shapening takes some time.

Click image above for larger image.

Off to the "First Friday" cruise night. I'll trim the green glass when I return.

Click image above for larger image.

Click image above for BIG image.

Click image above for larger image.

All trimmed:

Click image above for larger image.

Here's a study of how the keel will be sized and attached:

Click image above for larger image.

Click image above for larger image.

Click image above for larger image.

Click image above for larger image.

Click image above for larger image.

Click image above for larger image.

Click image above for larger image.

5/9/11 -- Monday. Brought SOUPER to shop in rain. A wipe-down resulted in the best washing its had in awhile.

Sanded resin that was applied yesterday under gunwales and along keel area. Marked location of first (1 of 2) 3/4" x 3/4" keel strip. Ripped, scarph-joined and planed two 3/4" x 3/4" strips for keel. Also glued in forward inwale on both sides of boat. (All gunwales installed, and thicker gunwales in oarlock bay will not be needed.)

Cut-in 1/4 in x 1-1/2 inch recesses for seat support strips. Top of these slots are 7-1/2 inches above inner bottom of boat. (See gauge below.) These strips will be laminated of two 1/4 inch by 1-1/2 inch pieces were made today. Found I could pile these four thin strips together and plane their 1-1/2 dimension in one pass. Slick!

Looks like seats #1 and #2 will be 1/2" ply, 14" deep. Aft side of forward seat (#1) at 3' from bow, center seat (#2) just forward of main frame, and aft seat will be located at transom.

Click image above for larger image.

Click image above for larger image.

I'll do some work on boat tomorrow (Tue.) and attend Mac mtg. in the evening. Dane says he will drop by Wed. eve., 5:30 or so. (I have more Mohs surgery Wednesday a.m.)

(if there is one)


(Bevin's Skiff)