4/11/11 --
Happy birthday, Heather!
When I pulled in the driveway today, this fellow with a damaged shell was waiting for me. I have no idea where that moisture on his back originated.
I had marked and cut the two pieces that will make up the boat's botttom, when Bill D. dropped by and offered his help (extra hands) finding the timing indent on SOUPER. Long story short -- between the two of us, we used the tool I had made to turn the engine with a socket wrench and found the timing indent. With that determined, we set the distributor cam and got the engine running. The engine sounded good and the carbs did not leak. I then returned to boat building.
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The boat was first centered on the strongback. Then the pieces needed for the bottom were caefully located, tacked in place, "cut lines" traced and registration marks made where the two pieces will be aligned and joined with 'glas tape.
After cutting out the two bottom pieces, they were carefully located, using the restration marks, and weighted (instesd of using nails) to hold them in place on the floor. 3 inch 'glass tape wetted out with epoxy were used to join the two pieces. Only one side was taped. I'll tape the other side tomorrow.
4/11/12 -- Taped the other side of the bottom joint, but did not photograph.
Here are a few photos I made of SOUPER today:
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