Grant MacLaren's
1981 18' Century Resorter

Weight of boat and trailer:
(with usual equipment and apx. 10 gals of gasoline)
3460 pounds

Hull Number
(Click on any image for a larger version.)

CEB = CEntury Boats
BR = Resorter 18 (see table below)
O93 = Could it mean the 93rd boat? or 93rd Resorter? Frank M. says "first" of run was numbered "50."
M = "Manistee" -- "F" indicated Florida mfg. plant.
81 = Manufactured in 1981
F = Manufactured in January

CLICK HERE for table of hull number codes (from Century Boat Club.)

CLICK HERE for table of model codes (from Century Boat Club.)

Anderson's 16' Resorter --
Info confirmed by Frank M.

Registration numbers

The "Indiana" characters (22 inches long) sure are ugly. My new Missouri registration number is MO 4085 FT.
I've order it from Build A Sign (on the web) in 3 inch high Arial Black -- $7 each side.
They'll look something like this (plus spaces):

I'll make white characters for now.
Ordered them 10/8/11.
The IN characters were very easy to remove; residue cleaned up with mineral spirits:


Here are the new numbers, received 10/28/11:


And installed, 4/25/12:

Mercury Number

We now know the engine is a "small-block" Chevrolet, with marine conversion by Mercury. I'll guess the "R" stands for "Right-hand" rotation.

GMC's block number should be here, but we have not yet (10/12/11) seen it:

Velvet Drive -- Number
The "Velvet Drive" (by Borg Warner) transmission oil looked new. One manual says the transmission fluid should be changed once a year. Friends with similar units say they haven't changed the stuff in 10 years.


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Another pretty good web page by Grant MacLaren