1972 Correct Craft Skier MacSkier Distributor Gear
Thinking it would be an easy matter to install an electronic ignition (as it was in the GM-powered Century) I ordered a Pertronix "Flame Thrower" distributor. (Use your "back" button to return here.)
Before we had a chance to install it, we discovered a cracked block, so put the distributor "on the shelf" for about a year while we atteneded to getting a rebuilt engine, installing new stringers, etc. When we finally went to install the dizzy, we discovered it's drive gear was for "standard" rotation, not "reverse" rotation as needed.
It's a long story, but thanks to Ken Oliver donating a gear and Duane Parsons fitting it to the shaft, we're about ready to start, and break in the engine. Thanks, guys! -- for the best birthday present I could have imagineed.
Another pretty good web page by Grant MacLaren