Engine Mounts
On Jul 28, 2014, at 11:29 PM, LL wrote:
Since returning, I've picked up my Ford 302 engine from the local rebuilder, but have done nothing more about engine mounts. Click photo for larger image. FYI, The interior of the boat has been rebuilt, including new stringers. Notice old and new oak engine mount blocks here. Click photo for larger image. Click photo for larger image. Before removing engine and before rebuilding interior: Click photo for larger image.
Click photo for larger image. Here are many more photos of the engine mounts. I have much more to do in getting the engine back in the boat, but am still interesting in exploring engine mount options. I'd like to have screw adjustments available for aligning the engine with propeller shaft. Something like this: Click photo for larger image. I plan on attending a York class of '54 picnic in Villa Park on Wednesday, Sept 10 and would like to visit you and the Normandie on the morning of Sept 11. Maybe we can discuss engine mounts then. -=Angus=- 9/18/14 After a visit with Larry to see his various mounting schemes, and a visit with Steve Horton (at Streblow Boat Works) who loaned me samples of various mounts, I followed Larry's lead to ebay and purchased four like-new (maybe NOS) mounts. Here are some photos: al01 al02 al03 (Click for larger image.)
"It needed a little work, but what boat doesn't?"
Another pretty good web page by Grant MacLaren